New Innings For A New Sales Mindset

Roshni Baronia
4 min readMay 20, 2019

On my shopping list this weekend was a no-nonsense floor mop which I could use in the absence of my house help. At the hypermart when I asked the sales guy for help, he showed me a few styles. There was a particular style, he said, was best suited for my need. I still saw some more options, but in spite of them being more expensive, he wasn’t trying to upsell them to me. He gave a demo, provided me and my hubby the space to have a ‘technically’ sound discussion and added the quirky statement, “Sir, this is so simple to use, even you can do it!”

(Great idea implanted in my head, by the way!)

Of course I made the purchase, as per his recommendation, but the point is that he was not pushy, but catered to my need. And THAT is what is required in the modern day selling. There is enough information overload in the digital era, and the only thing they need to do is extend a help in decision-making by understanding our need in the first place. There are so many ads and promotions being thrown at us each moment that if salespeople do not try to sell to us the in-your-face way, they would be our best friends.

After all, Subroto Bagchi also says in his book Sell, “Sales is not a pushy, winner-takes-it-all, macho act. It is an empathy-led, process-driven and knowledge-intensive discipline.”

The new definition of sales calls for a mindset shift. A shift from selling to helping. From gaining to delivering value. From pushing your product to co-creating a solution. So how does this shift start? It starts from the change in the intent. Canva is a DIY digital tool for anyone to create stunning designs using drag-and-drop feature, professional layouts and stylized fonts. Guy Kawasaki, the Chief Evangelist, who is a master in selling, says, “Canva is democratizing design for everyone.” This is way more effective because it is putting the power in the user’s hands and conveying exactly the same.

So how do we bring about a new innings in our sales mindset? How do we bring about this change in our intent? All you have to do is focus on, what I call, the ABC Seller Technique.

A: Active Listening

The rapport, relationship and faith can only be built if one is willing to listen what the customer has to say. The essence of shifting the intent lies is making it about them and not about yourself. The vital step to be incorporated throughout the sales conversation is ask questions that build rapport, uncover the real needs and address customer’s concerns that helps you in thinking through the perfect business solution for them.

B: Being Intuitive

If you are able to read non-verbal communication, are more perceptive to psychology and behavioral science, chances are you can get ahead in the game of sales. Brian Tracy, the Guru of Sales Coaching extensively studied human mind and behavior before he shot to massive success.

“Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” — Brian Tracy

C: Compassion

When prospects ditch the deal after a long ordeal, you are bound to trail down the anger or blame lane. However, it is only if you shift your thoughts to a space where you give understanding and compassion for their decision will you not hoard hard feelings. That is the only way that at some later point the door for either of the two coming in again, remains open.

It is a common notion that selling is hard, but then it is that negative mindset that spurs roadblocks that make the journey of entrepreneurship even more difficult. What you need to do is approach sales with a contribution mindset because for being a successful entrepreneur one needs to master the art of selling and have sustainable growth.

About Roshni Baronia

Roshni Baronia is the Go-Global Strategist and Influential Speaker. She helps women-led businesses make a foray into international markets and build relevant partnerships. With years of education and experience in entrepreneurship and women-focused initiatives, she is encouraging women to ask more, be more, sell more. To know more about Roshni, please visit

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Roshni Baronia

Founder & CEO Done For You Podcasts |Strategic Sales Expert | TEDX Speaker | 2x Podcast Host